New research shows young adults don’t do heritage

New research by specialist insurer Ecclesiastical has revealed millions of young adults in the UK never visit heritage organisations.

The survey of 2,000 18-30 year olds across the UK found young adults prefer to stay in and watch TV or use social media, than go out and visit a museum, gallery or theatre.
Many young adults are disengaged with the UK’s heritage
More than a third (36%) of 18-30 year olds never visit galleries, and almost a quarter (24%) never visit theatres. While just under one in five never visit museums (19%). Almost half (48%) never visit stately homes, while a third (33%) never visit castles. The research revealed a stark gender gap in attitudes towards heritage with young men far less likely to visit heritage buildings than women.
The perception that heritage is boring, distance to travel, and cost are the top three reasons that deter young adults from visiting heritage organisations.